Sustainability in Business By Mike Guggenheimer

January 10, 2017

RSC Bio Solutions’ mission is to provide sustainable solutions for unforgiving environments by offering equipment operators high-performing, sustainable alternatives that allow them to meet the demanding needs of their operations while reducing environmental and employee risk. We value both sustainability and performance and believe that having the perfect blend of the two is what makes a company successful and profitable.

According to the 2016 Sustainability Global Executive Study and Research Project, published by MIT Sloan Management Review and The Boston Consulting Group, there is a strong link between corporate sustainability performance and financial performance, and investors are beginning to use sustainability-related data as a rationale for investment decisions.

Taking it one step further, not only are investors paying attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics, “nearly half of investors say that they won’t invest in a company with a record of poor sustainability performance. Some 60% of investment firm board members say they are willing to divest from companies with a poor sustainability footprint.”[1]

In fact, I just returned from a visit to Scandinavia and the general theme from the leaders I met with was that even in a tough business environment, long-term decisions that reduce environmental risk and protect equipment are essential to their business strategy.  With a new year upon us, it is the perfect time to take a second look at what you’re doing to make your organization more attractive to potential employees, customers and investors.

When considering the big picture of sustainability, while many agree with the link between sustainability and financial performance, our partners are looking for subject matter experts to help them navigate an increasingly confusing landscape – in terms of both reducing environmental and employee risk and increasing their company’s bottom line.

As an example, we partner with Höegh Wallem Ship Management, who has seen both sustainability and profitability benefits emerge as key success factors. Through our partnership, Höegh Wallem Ship Management was able to narrow its focus and look to areas where it could make a significant impact with minimal downside. Read the full case study here.

RSC Bio Solutions continues to innovate in formulating products with an eye on performance and an eye on the future. Our partners rely on us to provide products that not only offer a level of sustainability and environmental responsibility, but also to continuously keep our attention focused on the future success of their growing and shifting businesses. That is why our mission is to research and develop sustainable solutions for all kinds of difficult environments. And that is why we make sure those solutions protect the environment, anticipate future regulations, but never, ever sacrifice performance.

[1] G. Unruh, D. Kiron, N. Kruschwitz, M. Reeves, H. Rubel, and A.M. zum Felde (2016, May).  Investing for a Sustainable Future, MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved from

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